

ShimoDocs is a cloud-based productivity suite allowing individual users and large-scale enterprises to manage and collaborate on online documents easily. Launched in 2015, it has provided service for 700,000 enterprises in China.

From summer 2021 to winter 2021, I worked as a product manager on the growth team. During the spring of 2022, I worked as a product designer, responsible for B2B features related to enterprise management and iteration for Shimo Overseas.


ShimoDocs will push notifications when people are added as collaborators or mentioned (@) in documents. However, in large enterprises, irrelevant stakeholders often receive notifications of such notifications related to collaboration features, which causes distraction for users.

How might we reduce distraction caused by collboration feature for large enterprise users?


Collaborator Permission: Limit the scope of collaboration to reduce distraction for large enterprise users


This project was created from scratch and launched in 4 months. As the product designer, I collaborated with cross-functional and cross-product teams to ensure the delivery of this feature.

My Role
Product Designer

Jan - Apr 2022


B2B, web, new feature

Work with
3 Product Managers
3 Front-end Engineers
2 Back-end Engineers
1 Testing Engineer
1 Project Manager


design process

Design Process


Disturbance by the collaboration features in large enterprise

When doc-owners want to add collaborators, they are sometimes unsure who should be added. In that case, they would choose "Select All Members" However, in a large enterprise, these will lead lead to thousands of irrelevant people receiving notifications. What's more, the CEO and VP will be disturbed frequently.

Problem: Disturbance by the collaboration feature in large enterprise


Regarding enterprise management, the requirement seems complex: The representative from OPPO (one of the largest companies in consumer electronics in China) said they wish only certain people could add the CEO as a collaborator. And all employees should not be able to add top third-level departments from the company to collaborate.

The challenge part of the project is how to make those complex elements clear & actionable?

How might we make those complex elements clear & actionable?


After discussing with back-end engineers and product managers, I identified the essential scenarios and feasible rules to solve the problems.

Two scenarios to design 3 roles and their relationship in the rules

design exploration

I explored different information structure to find the one which could lead the manager to set the rules accurately. The decision was made based on 2 factors:

  • User-side: Clearly communicate the relationship among the scope of collaborator, rules, and doc owner.
  • Feasibility: Since there was limited resources, the team decided to maximize usage of existing components.
3 design exploration 3 design exploration


01 How to make the complex concept easy to understand?

I did internal usability testing with 5 people. I found most people felt confused by the three types of department hierarchy levels. In the final version, I used images and words to make the concept clearer.

1st and final version of design

02 Feasibility consideration

After discussing with back-end engineers and the product manager, I changed how users select custom hierarchy. The decision was made based on two factors:

  • Technical feasibility: With the dropdown menu, the server needs to go over the structure of the organizations to find the exact number of sub-department when users select a new department. It takes time and is not necessary.
  • Product strategy: From the client’s side, they only need three sub-department maximum. However, from ShimoDocs’ side, we want to make the feature available for all enterprise users. The input method provides more flexibility.
1st and final version of design

Final Design

Manager-Side: Set and Edit Rules for the Company

design of manager side

User-Side: Limited Add-Collaboration Scope in Different Scenarios

design of user side


Solve the problem of distraction caused by collaboration features for our customer

  • This feature reduces the time for processing irrelevant information for employees in OPPO.

Deliver the crucial project for Shimo Docs

  • This function is one of OPPO's five privatization deployment requirements. The privatization deployment was delivered successfully for the key account. And Shimo Docs will receive millions of revenue for the success.

What I learned

Design enterprise product

  • Designing an enterprise product needs strong logical thinking to simplify the user flows and create a clear visual hierarchy. I practiced designing enterprise management background and considering edge cases during the process.

Communication with cross-functional team

  • It's important always to prepare solid reasons to articulate my design with the team and think from others' perspectives, as people may challenge me from different perspectives.
  • Enterprise management features are not easy to understand for people without domain knowledge. Using vivid forms (illustration, storytelling, etc.) rather than plain words to communicate is a good choice.

highlights at shimo docs

Advocate for Accessibility

Last year I received feedback that many visually impaired users could not use Shimo Doc and other cloud-based productivity suites in China. To address the problem, I invited the Accessibility Lead from Google Android to lecture about inclusive design, discussed feasibility with the tech lead, and delivered an accessibility toolkit to the product team. With those efforts, the consideration for accessibility has become the consensus in our team. More importantly, supporting accessibility was added to the roadmap of our new product.

Improvement of accessibility in our new product

Learnings from My Half-year Experience as a Product Manager

As a freshman who just stepped into the tech industry, I wanted to learn about the whole picture in the field, so I decided to intern as a product manager first. Though I work as a designer now, the journey of PM gave me a lot.

  • Product Thinking: From gathering user requirements to tracking data after launch, I started to understand the big picture and complex rationale behind a seemingly simple iteration. It made me think about both the “how” and the “why“ behind each decision.
  • Communication: Having collaborated with almost every cross-functional team in the company, I found people with all kinds of backgrounds, ages, and positions have such different perspectives. Thus, I became more open-minded and ready to embrace other ideas and turn them into inspiration.
  • Proactivity: As a product manager, I owned the responsibility to ensure the success of the launch of each feature. Thus, I could not wait for tasks but take active actions to get everyone on the team onboard. It reminds me of the importance of ownership and proactivity, no matter my position.

Meet with Lovely Fellows

A big thank-you to those who shared the amazing year with me at Shimo :)