
During winter 2021, I worked collaboratively with Jiangliang Ye and Kelly Wang on the problem raised by our client, Lemonbox. Finally, we provided a solution of health management for returning customers to solve their health concerns.

I worked as Design Lead on user research, product strategy, visual design, project management, and team communication.


LemonBox is a personalized vitamin which customized based on a 5-minute questionnaire via the WeChat mini-app


Current Flow

Current Flow


However, it offers poor experiences for returning customers, as it focuses on promotion for the new


Dive into Data

Customers between 18-29 are LemonBox's primary target audience, but they are least likely to repurchase



We conducted user interviews with nine returning customers between 18-29 to learn about their needs and pain point regarding their repurchase experience. After the interview, we used an affinity diagram to synthesize our research and got two main insights.

Insight 01.  Returning customers take Lemonbox to reduce health anxiety


Insight 02.  Returning customers have to fill in the same questionnaire every time, and the previous choices cannot be traced during the process


How might we offer returning customers health management service to focus on their health concerns?

Design Solution

Landing page

Landing page

Customers can check the vitamins they are taking rather than the suggested plan based on their questionnaire results on the Landing page. This way, customers unfamiliar with vitamins can get to know them quickly and strengthen their sense of relief.


The final report focuses on users' Health Goals. It compares previous results on problems users face and suggests vitamins to improve users' conditions.

Long-term track

Long-term track

The long-term tracker on the Report Page will highlight the user’s health goals. The tracker will record the data score of each questionnaire and compare it visually with the user’s past scores and recommended values.

Next step

Social Identity

Unlike other consumer products, the communication and sharing of Lemonbox taking occur more among family members. In interviews, many users mentioned that they could not understand each other's habits of taking health care products with their elderly family members.

The habit of taking vitamins

In interviews, users who persist for a long time discussed binding their behavior with other long-term habits (skincare, eating breakfast, drinking water before bed, etc.). They did not rely on the check-in function.