During my UX Design Internship at Alibaba.com, I took initiative to address a critical challenge within the global e-commerce landscape: the efficient management of communication. I redesigned of the cross-platform Messenger experience to help users efficiently track and manage their communication record throughout the trading process.

A detailed case study is currently under construction; stay tuned! 💛

Key Contribution

  • Optimized Information Architecture & User Flow: I spearheaded the comprehensive restructuring of the Messenger interface, streamlining information flow to significantly enhance user efficiency.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: My design choices were meticulously grounded in user research, usability testing, and feedback analysis, ensuring alignment with user preferences.
  • Collaborative Design: Working closely with cross-functional teams, I played a pivotal role in aligning business objectives with technical feasibility, ensuring seamless integration within Alibaba.com's ecosystem.

Work with

Product Manager, Engineers, UX Writer, UX Researchers


Redesign, cross-platform

